Inter-M Traders Group have over 30 years’ experience in the financial sector and have completed over 300 acquisitions and investments to date.


acquisitions and investments to date

About Inter-M Traders

Preserving Relationships are the basis of Success

Our Mission

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Demetri Michalakis


Providing solutions to complex business and financial problems.


The underlying philosophy of Inter-M traders advisory services approach consists of providing solutions to complex business and financial problems.


Inter-M traders equips senior leaders and their teams with insight and actionable solutions to transform operations.


Our No. 1 priority is to serve the needs of our investors and clients.

Inter-M Traders is a “strategic advisor” and “investor” in private equity transactions


Inter-M is particularly interested in backing and co-investing with other investment groups.


Inter-M traders equips senior leaders and their teams with insight and actionable solutions to transform operations.

Investment Scope

Our No. 1 priority is to serve the needs of our investors and clients.


Our No. 1 priority is to serve the needs of our investors and clients.

The most successful experts works with our Team

Dravanti Group